team and network.
The kezbio Family
We are a young start-up, founded with the will to revolutionize polyketide research. Based on years of research and experience, we aim to find creative solutions to complex problems as a team. Driven by our curiosity, we thus create the perfect environment for innovation.
Founder | Managing DirEctor | Scientist.
Dr. Alexander Rittner
Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, stations in Mainz and Zurich
PhD and research at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
10 years of practical experience in protein engineering
Expert in method and laboratory establishment
Specialization: Fatty acid and polyketide synthesis, organic synthesis, cloning strategies, enzyme kinetics, natural products and rational protein design
Publications on technology
- Rittner, A.; Grininger, M. ChemBioChem 2014, 15 [17], 2489.
- Rittner, A. et al. ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13 [3], 723.
- Heil, C. S. und Rittner, A. et al. Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 1.
- Rittner, A. et al. Protein Sci. 2018, 28 [2], 414.
- Rittner, A. et al. Protein Sci. 2020, 29 [2], 589.
- Rittner, A. und Joppe, M. et al. Nat. Chem. 2022.
Founder | Managing Director | Entrepreneur.
Jan Degen
Business Informatics Specialist
Dual studies in Mannheim, San Diego and Shanghai
Several years of experience as COO at a medium-sized company [approx. 100 employees].
Start-up experience
COO | Divisional Manager München Ticket GmbH
Founder | Managing director BlotaBlota GmbH
Independent management consultant
Business employee SYSGO AG
Employee No. 1 | Project Lead research and development.
Dr. Mirko Joppe
Studies, PhD and research at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
5 years of practical experience in protein engineering
Expert in chromatography and method development
Specialization: Fatty acid and polyketide synthesis, enzyme kinetics, natural product derivatives, rational protein design and characterization of small molecules
Publications on technology
- D’Imprima, E.; Floris, D.; Joppe, M.; et al. eLife 2019, 8.
- Fischer, M.; Joppe, M.; et. al. Sci Rep 2020, 10 [1], 895.
- Joppe, M. und D’Imprima, E.; et. al. IUCrJ 2020, 7 [2], 220–227.
- Rittner, A. und Joppe, M. et al. Nat. Chem. 2022.
Advisory | Brains | Support.
Our Network
Prof. Martin Grininger
Mentor | Doctoral supervisor of Alexander Rittner
Dr. David Bachmann
CEO ng-voice GmbH | vorm. McKinsey
Philip Read
Partner Aberdeen Advisors | Co-founder Aberdeen Labs
Knut Degen
Entrepreneur | Founder SYSGO GmbH
Lan-Na Grosse